Mommy & Me-Take 91

Logan had her 15 month check-up this week. This is the first time she has been walking at the doctors office. However, she wanted to sit in my lap until she had the waiting room all to herself. m&mdr5
The Hubs snapped this picture and was looking at it last night and said, “You can’t tell who’s more concerned about the shots.” True, I cried more than she did.m&mdr4
She did a fabulous job of letting the doctor check her out, and she’s doing great! 97% for weight, 99% for height. We weren’t surprised…me and the Hubs are both pretty tall. Also, she is the second to youngest kid in her class, yet she’s one of the tallest.m&mdr
m&mdr3You were so strong for your shots and we are so very happy you are growing and healthy! We celebrated with guacamole for dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant.


  1. Guacamole sounds like the perfect way to celebrate. Poor girl getting shots…you eventually don’t cry and if the nurse is fast, they don’t either!

  2. Grandma Pat says:

    I remember going with Krystyn for Iz’s first shots. We all cried. it does get easier.

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