I came across this saying the other day and immediately sent it to the Hubs. It's a great reminder that our sweet girl wants to explore and learn and play and sing and help etc. I had her diapers air drying the other day and she was so very helpful bringing them to me to stuff. Once she pulled them all down she moved to the other baby gate and … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday
February 11, 2014 by · 2 Comments
A big change is happening in the Milkshake household… we are switching to cloth diapers! It will be a gradual process as I build our cloth supply. I am very pleased day care is 100% on board. Ms. Bee told me today she likes how cute the dipes are. I have to agree with her! Logan looks pretty cute in them. Tanks Krystyn for letting us sample some … [Read more...]