Wordless Wednesday

Morgan’s nursery: We are so glad you are here to enjoy your purple, Vegas lights nursery. … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa sent Logan her very own package to open! Thank you Great Grandma and Great Grandpa! We are enjoying the new books and opening the package brought Logan so much joy! … [Read more...]

Swinging with Mitsy Momma and Mitsy Moo

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Wordless Wednesday

Between all of us being sick, hosting my BFF's baby shower and the typical hustle and bustle of the holidays, I didn't send out family Christmas cards this year. We DID take pictures in mid November and I want to share them because Rachel Banister Photography did a wonderful job, again! … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

A few evenings ago, the Hubs and Logan were in the backyard playing while I finished making dinner. I went outside to check on them and as Logan was walking to me she found a flower on the ground (from the anniversary hibiscus). She picked it up, walked  to me with the biggest smile on her face and handed it to me. I just melted! This has to be my … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

I came across this saying the other day and immediately sent it to the Hubs. It's a great reminder that our sweet girl wants to explore and learn and play and sing and help etc. I had her diapers air drying the other day and she was so very helpful bringing them to me to stuff. Once she pulled them all down she moved to the other baby gate and … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

We have the perfect use for the iPad I won … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

Epic bed head: … [Read more...]