Photo Story Friday-Leory & the Bump Edition

Leroy has always been a mama’s boy, but snuggling up to me has not been his thing (he just likes to be in the same room I am in), until now. As soon as I sit or lay down, he is trying to snuggle, and his favorite spot is my milkshake bump. He likes to be right in the middle of it, and then he stares at me just waiting to be loved on.

A few weeks ago I was sick and home from work for two days. Leory stayed in this spot every time I was in bed, which was almost 48 hours straight. These are his ‘pet me’ eyes.leroy4

Once he starts getting some attention he starts purring. Logan is probably wondering why there is a warm diesel engine roraring above her head. Last week I had to lay in bed with my swollen left ankle/foot propped on a pillow. As soon as Leroy saw me in the bedroom he patiently waited until his place on my tummy was available. leroy2

Me and the hubs try to equally share love and attention with all the fur babies, and Leroy knows how to get it. We were just relaxing on the couch the other night, and he saw his spot was open and made sure to grab it before the others tried.leroy3

He doesn’t even care Madelyn is getting more petting than him, he has a bump he wants to snuggle. We really hope the fur babies continue to be sweet and loving when our milkshake arrives. No, I won’t let Leroy snuggle her, but for now he can snuggle the bump…and I like to think she likes it just as much as he does.


  1. sibling bonding at it’s earliest and best! 🙂

  2. Grandma Pat says:

    Think he can hear her heart beat?

  3. Sas was always extra snuggly with me, too. I think she knew before I did when a baby was a brewin’.

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