Photo Story Friday-The Nursery (so far) Edition

We have made great progress on our Milkshakes nursery, but there is still plenty to be done. The tree decal came in a few nights ago, but I promised the Hubs we can add 2 segments a day. It is a pretty large tree and trying to tackle it all at once would be overwhelming, and I have been warned decals often lead to major fights arguments discrepancies between husbands and wives. Here are some pictures of what we have in Logan’s room so far:

I am still trying to figure out how to use the panoramic camera on my iPhone.

psf4 psf5

And one final view of the other side of her room:


I am working on painting the frames for the prints that will go above the dresser/changing table. This will either be really cute, or a total disaster as it’s all from a vision I’ve had in my head.psf

The last thing her room will need is some curtains….hint hint Grandma C and Aunt Deb. There is an upcoming weekend we will all be together and my sewing machine is ready for y’all.


  1. I think it will all come together really well! And, lucky you if they sew you some curtains. They’ve never made me any!

  2. Grandma Pat says:

    the room looks good – i am sure the picture montage you are going to make for over the changing table will be nice

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