I have a bit of an obsession with water, to the point I consider myself a water snob. If we stop at a gas station I get all excited, grab my wallet and rush inside to see what bottled water they have. I actually have gas stations I prefer because of their bottled water selection, and it’s silly, I know, because the stuff isn’t cheap. 13 bottled waters I have tried:
1. Smartwater
2. Ozarka
3. Nestle Pure Life
4. San Pellegrino (add a little fresh grapefruit juice and vodka and you will experience the best drink ever, AND it’s pretty low calorie)
5. Squeezed Infused Water
6. Vitamin Water (Dragonfruit flavor…it tastes like a melted popsicle)
7. Kroger Soda Water (The Hubs would add chopped, fresh ginger to it during the early weeks of my pregnancy to help with the stomach aches. It works great as a homemade ginger ale.)
8. Perrier
9. Evian
10. Ethos Water
11. Propel Fitness Water
12. Aquafina
13. Fiji
My favorite plain Jane water is Smartwater. I consider it a treat because it’s not reasonably priced, especially when the water from the tap is filtered and healthy to drink. The Hubs is so sweet and knows the way to my heart…when I was sick last week he came home with 2 gigantic bottles of Smartwater. It’s the little, incredibly sweet things he does that make my heart melt. My favorite flavored water is Squeezed Infused waters. They taste delicious, do not have any sweeteners or preservatives added AND look pretty. My favorite water drink (I refer to it as a drink because it’s mostly water with extra ‘stuff’ added and calories) is Dragonfruit Vitaminwater. You have to get the full calorie one because the Vitaminwater Zero line isn’t good. They do have 6-packs of Dragonfruit Vitaminwater (again, the Hubs surprised me with a 6-pack and I shed some tears of happiness) and the bottles are only 100 calories so it’s not too bad, in my opinion. We plan to bring all 3 waters with us for our Milkshake’s birth. Even if she doesn’t flip and I have to have a c-section, I want my waters! What can I say, I am a full fledged water snob!
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