September 18-24, 2017 … [Read more...]
Mommy & Me-Take 237
September 4-10, 2017 Moving, Hurricane Harvey and 3 sweet Milkshakes have made it tough to post, so I’m going to do a massive picture dump to catch up. … [Read more...]
Mommy & Me-Take 236
August 28-September 3, 2017 I love the way Hagan hangs on to my shirt at bedtime. Those squishy arms and big blue eyes are the best! Spice doesn’t phase this one…she’s a true Texan! These sweet milkshakes are my favorite! Milkshake pile in mommy and daddy’s bed!!!!! We love selfies! … [Read more...]
Mommy & Me-Take 235
August 21-27, 2017 We moved all day Thursday and Hurricane Harvey began dropping rain Friday afternoon. It was a terrifying but our new house and old house stayed dry and we were so very lucky. We had the BEST movers and I was grateful (as always) for our LILLEbaby carrier because Hagan was able to nap while I unpacked. I am happy to be … [Read more...]
Mommy & Me-Take 234
August 14-20, 2017 We love selfies! I was super excited our Ed Sheran tickets arrived…Hagan, not so much. The first time I put on make-up and fixed my hair since Hagan’s newborn session July 4! The Hubs and I went to an Ed Sheran concert (AMAZING) and Grandma & Grandpa watched the girls THANK YOU! I love Hagan’s bow that … [Read more...]
Mommy & Me-Take 233
August 7-13, 2017 Happy 4th Birthday, Logan aka Mitsy Moo! I hope your every wish was fulfilled: jumpy party, mini ice cream cones and mini cup cakes at school, princess shirts on the daily and French fries for your birthday dinner! One day, my sweet BIG girl, you will understand birthday party planning and hosting is exhausting…but totally worth … [Read more...]
Mommy & Me-Take 232
July 31-August 6, 2017 Hagan had a very high fever in the middle of the night, so I rushed her to the closes children’s emergency room. After all the tests it proved she had a virus and the doctor sent us home with orders to snuggle, rest and nurse. She did great…it broke my heart to se her poked and prodded. Within 24 hours she was feeling much … [Read more...]
Mommy (& Daddy) & Me-Take 231
July 24-30, 2017 Picture dump time…because life is CrAzY right now! We have a LOT going on these next few weeks so posts will mostly be pictures, but isn’t that what you come here for anyway? Hagan’s birth story and video will be up before her first birthday…hopefully. … [Read more...]