Mommy & Me-Take 11

Today is my MIL’s birthday. Happy Birthday Pat! We had lunch yesterday, then cake at my SIL’s house. It was a nice afternoon. When we got home I had the hubs snap my mommy & me picture. It is definitely obvious I am pregnant now (although I was just asked in the elevator what was different about me…was I not wearing make-up? did I get a hair cut? Nope, I’m pregnant and I don’t think this person was aware. She then told me that that was not what she noticed. Well, thanks, because I DO have on make-up and my hair hasn’t been cut in months. Insult, reverse compliment, rudeness? Golden rule, people, GOLDEN RULE!)


Yesterday I was 25w4d. I opened the countdown app this morning and we have 100 days until our milkshakes estimated arrival. I can’t really say the time has flown by becuase we are super excited to meet her!

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?

Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?


  1. You are looking super cute. And not in a million years would I ask if you were pregnant. I think they were fishing for you to say something instead of asking. You look great and so tiny! Here’s me at 24 weeks with E! Yikes!

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