Mommy & Me-Take 117 & 118

Take 117: It has been SO hot here already. The perfect solution? Blue Bubble gum shaved ice!m&m117b

Logan eats very well with a spoon. She was thrilled to have her own cup of yummy goodness to eat from. I think next time me and the Hubs will get Kiddie size shaved ice…they are so sugary!m&m117c

Sunday, I went to work a marketing event and the Hubs went to the Rockets game with the MIL. They sat on the second row for the 7th game of the series, and the Rockets WON! They had a blast. But, I think Logan may have had the most fun of all spending the afternoon with Grandma and Grandpa. Our Milkshake LOVES music. I need to get her back in classes, but for now, lessons with Grandma are great. m&m117d

I missed Logan and wanted to take a selfie, as you can see she was super thrilled to oblige. m&m117e

This will be my last week working in Corporate America (for now) so I hope to be able to blog more frequently, or at least get Mommy & Me up on time!

Take 118: Logan has been really interested in the potty and watching Baby Signing Time-Potty Time and Elmo’s Potty DVD’s. We decided to give potty training a shot over the weekend. She went on the potty the third time I took her Saturday morning and we had a big celebration in the bathroom! She got to flush and wash hands—exciting stuff, people!m&m118m&m118b

Overall she did a really good job, and even signed potty to me, ran to the restroom and peed without me telling her it was time to go! Did she have accidents, yep. And #2 isn’t happening on the potty at all. We are so proud of how well she did, but Momma and Father kind of messed her up. She was doing great with just books in the restroom, then we decided she needed something else so she had the Kindle, iPad or one of our phone she could watch. Well, that just made her associate the potty with Cookie Monster or Curious George shows. She would sit and sit and sit perfectly content since she was watching stuff she liked. When she did go potty we would get excited, she kind of would, but was more interested in her shows. So instead of associating the toilet with peeing (and hopefully pooping one day) she associated it with endless time watching her shows. HUGE #parentfail.

When she moves to the next classroom in August they immediately focus on potty training. For now, we are going to encourage it but not with electronic devices and will stick to books so when she is in there she can focus on associating the deed with the toilet. Logan, you did a great job starting to potty train. You are one super smart little lady and we know you will be saying bye bye to diapers in no time.

The weather has been terrible here (horrible rain and flooding) which has kept us inside quite a bit. What’s more fun than taking selfies when it’s gross outside? She kept trying to give me a kiss, but also wanted to see herself at the same time. I should have videoed! Just adorable. m&m118c

Ugh, and the runny nose is back. As much as she loves it we have to avoid ice cream and dairy as much as possible. Logan seems to still be allergic to it like her Daddy.


  1. Grandma P says:

    Shaved ice Yummy, blue bubble gum flavor not so yummy. I prefer sour cherry. It doesn’t leave your lips and tongue blue either.
    We had fun watching Logan. We both can’t believe how much she is talking.
    Yeah for going pee pee on the potty.

  2. What a cutie! Found you via the Mommy & Me link-up. Potty training is such an adventure! Encouraging, but not stressing over in the beginning is key, I think. If they aren’t interested, forcing it just makes it a bigger struggle. My son took a full year to train. It’ll be interesting to see if it takes as long with his baby sister.

  3. How have I forgotten about my BBG shaved ice! I need to make another one!

    Yay for in interest in peeing on the potty! And, for hanging out with grandma, too!

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