Mommy & Me-Take 131

Logan and Morgan are the sweetest little girls! This past week I spent time enjoying their sweetness with cuddles, kisses, hugs and songs. Logan FINALLY wore her Elmo hearts shirt. We’ve had it for a month and I have asked her daily if she would like to wear it. She refused every time, and the few times I attempted to put it on her she was hysterical and almost ripped it off Hulk Hogan style. The night she actually wore it she was busy coloring and I slipped it over her head. She looked down and said ‘Elmo hearts!’ and smiled really big, then the sweetness kicked into high gear. I am SO glad she decided this shirt is acceptable to wear. m&m131d

Like I said, super sweet!m&m131e

Logan has a personalized Elmo shirt she also refused to wear. I decided to try my Elmo luck and low and behold it was still kicking and she wore her personalized Elmo shirt. It was a hit at school and the mall! m&m131MommaE and Morgan perfecting our selfie.m&m131gMommaE and Logan perfecting our selfie.m&m131c

We took Morgan to meet the teachers at Logan’s school and I wore my ‘I love milkshakes!’ t-shirt I got in Orlando in 2014. I love my Milkshakes so very very very much.m&m131f

We finished the week with some fun girlie time and Logan now has pink toenails which she LOVES!m&m131h


  1. Grandma Pat says:

    Very cute pictures and especially cute pink toe nails.

  2. Definitely perfecting the selfies!

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