Mommy & Me-Take 190

October 10-October 16, 2016

The girls spent the first half of the week with Grandma and Grandpa while we were at a seminar in Dallas. The Hubs and I had fun, we know the girls had a blast, but we were super happy to be back home with them.

Logan is VERY excited about Halloween as well as any and all activities Halloween themed. I took the girls to Kroger Saturday evening and had Logan pick out a pumpkin for her and a pumpkin for Morgan. Sunday morning they decorated their pumpkins. 190




Morgan’s favorite part was eating the googly eyes!DSC_0024DSC_0044

A saying I really like is ‘the days are long but the years are short’ and I was quickly reminded how fast the girls are growing when the Hubs captured this moment:20161016_064015

It also was a good reminder the girls observe and notice everything so I am trying to demonstrate body positivity and it makes the Milkshake household a happy place.


  1. Grandma Pat says:

    Oh my goodness, imitating mommy putting on make-up. How cute.

  2. I know she isn’t trying to put makeup on!! She needs some of her own makeup!

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