Mommy & Me-Take145

Morgan will be home with me full time for one more month, then she will be going to school and I will be working with the Hubs. I am making sure to treasure every moment with her, and once a week we take a nap together. m&m145b*Knock on wood* We haven’t encountered the sleeping troubles with Morgan like we did with Logan so I try to keep it to one nap with me a week. Some days we just play in our bed before I lay her in her crib. m&m145Thanksgiving was a very fun day filled with time spent with Grandma, Grandpa, Granny, Aunt Theresa and Uncle Junior. Logan was having a great time playing and running around and just being Logan. She loves to play in the Hubs van and was climbing in and out of it while carrying some small sticks. Unfortunately, her footing got a little twisted and she fell down and one of the sticks stabbed her cheek. We are so thankful it wasn’t her eye. MommaE needs to put together a Logan friendly First Aid Kit very soon, but until then stickers on regular Band-Aids worked just fine. It was even better when MommaE wore stickers to match. m&m145cShe really handled it well…it had to hurt and she just wanted comfort from me and the Hubs. Of course Daddy joined in the sticker fun, too!m&m145dThanksgiving dinner was fun and delicious! We enjoyed the leftovers for quite a few meals. The weather was pretty blah all weekend, and in order to keep Logan from getting cabin fever we made cookies Saturday afternoon. m&m145im&m145em&m145hShe did a fantastic job of putting the sprinkles on, and eating the icing!m&m145gm&m145fLogan is enjoying cooking and baking more and more and it is quite fun, and just a little messy.

Sunday, the girls stayed with Grandma and Grandpa while me and the Hubs went to the Texans game. We had a great tine, but I think the girls had the most fun. Logan has told us at least 20 times that she ‘had fun at grandmagrandpas house.’ Yes, it’s all one word for her.


  1. Those snuggles are the sweetest.

    I’m sorry the stick won..but, I really think Logan won because she took it so well!

    And, that icing. Wow! That’s bright!

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