Mommy & Me-Take 109

A week late, sorry, but it was a rough week for Logan. She barely ate Friday night and woke up Saturday morning and ‘spit up’ (the Hubs description) a little. I was snuggling her on the couch and needed to go to the restroom and she would NOT let me go without her. As soon as we made it into the bathroom everything in her tiny tummy from that morning came up. I can’t figure out how a tummy so small can produce so.much.vomit. A morning of cuddles were in store, or so we thought. We went to get something out of the fridge and it just wasn’t cold or even cool. Lovely, so now the fridge is out? Logan ate a cereal bar and a I waited an hour and it stayed down…and against my better judgment we jumped in the car to go to Sears to get a fridge. I snapped a selfie as we were walking in to the store.m&m108c
We browsed around looking at the different options, Logan pushed a few buttons on the water/ice dispensers and we were ready to ask some questions and buy a fridge! Unfortunately, first thing Saturday morning is not a good time to go to Sears and after standing there for 30 minutes we were not helped. Then the breakfast bar I thought would stay down came right back up. I was so thankful to be wearing her in our Lillebaby carrier becuase it was contained to just my shirt, Logan’s clothes and the carrier.m&m108b
I am not going to lie, by this point I was very disappointed and angry we had not been helped and an associate did not ask us if we needed anything. I understand that is not their job, but offering a napkin or paper towel would have been kind. I snapped pictures of the two refrigerators I liked and we left. Logan rode home in only her diaper and shoes and I had on shorts and a sports bra…we were CUTE! I felt horrible for taking her out when she was still not feeling well. Once we got home she wanted to sleep and took a 4 hour nap.

When she woke up she still wasn’t herself, but she had a little more energy. She had so much fun watching TV while using the Hubs as a pillow!m&m108d
The Hubs and I were supposed to go to a wedding Saturday night and Logan was going to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa but I decided to stay home with her and the Hubs went solo. I was bummed to miss the wedding but he sent me a lot of pictures and when Logan woke up Sunday morning I knew we had made the right decision.

She eagerly ate a banana and drank some milk, and it didn’t even have time to get warm in her tummy before it came back up. Snuggles and cuddles for another day…fine by me but sheesh, seeing your baby sick is so sad. m&m108e
m&m108gThe new fridge was delivered Sunday afternoon, YAY, and Logan greeted the deliver people with a big smile and her sweet ‘Hi!’.m&m108f
I stayed home with her Monday and there was no more throwing up. Woohoo! She was feeling MUCH better and we had a fun day together. She ate really well and it was good to see she had an appetite once again. Unfortunately, food was running right through her.m&m108h
After a good nap and a few packets of probiotics her poopy was more solid and she was ready to play. She LOVES to be outside and the weather has been perfect for it. We are brainstorming on fun, yet cool, outside activities we can have for her once the lovely Houston heat and humidity settle in. Getting a pool isn’t in the budget right now so any other ideas we would love to hear! Any sprinklers or water tables a ‘must have’?m&m108i
Tuesday she had a great day at school, but on Wednesday her diarrhea returned and we picked her up early and I kept her home Thursday. It was rainy and chilly that morning so we ran a few errands and enojyed watching TV and hanging out.m&m108
By Thursday afternoon she was 100% better and was ready for selfies and fun!m&m108j
We are so glad to be over that nasty bug!


  1. Such a bummer she was sick, but I’m so glad she’s feeling better now!

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