Mommy & Me-Take 53

I ordered a teething necklace a few weeks ago and Logan is loving it. She doesn’t have any teeth poking through yet, just plenty of drool and gnawing on anything and everything. M&Mnecklace

Logan loves her bath time. I try to get her jammies and outfit ready for the next day, but recently she wants both of us with her and stares off in the direction I normally sit. We snapped a family selfie the other night and you can see bath time makes us all happy. m&mfamilyselfie

Our Milkshake is 6 months old! 1/2 a year…already?!?!?! The time has flown by, and at the same time we have no idea what life was like before she was born. Our favorite milestone at 6 months? Talking.


Happy 6 months, Logan! We love every froggie inch of you. m&m6months

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?

Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?


  1. She is so stinking cute. I love that she’s chewing on your necklace. I’m glad I bought one…the beads are spheres, though, so hopefully it’s easy to be chewed on. Your Froggie can test it out!

    Happy 6 months sweet girl.

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