Logan REALLY likes books to be read to her. She will grab one, crawl over to me, hand it to me and sit back anxiously waiting for me to read to her. If I take too long getting started she will let me know. This weekend, her favorite book was The Nose Book. I think I read it to her at least 20 times, and her Aunt Theresa read it to her several times … [Read more...]
Photo Story Friday-The Reading Edition
July 26, 2013 by · 1 Comment
This week I decided to read up on all the paperwork we have received from doctor appointments and from my HR department for FMLA stuff. I relaxed in bed, propped up my cankle and got to reading very carefully. Well, that was my intent at least. Leroy and Madelyn just couldn't resist preventing helping me with the reading. After I took these … [Read more...]