I’ve really been trying to take naps when Logan sleeps, but I am not good at it. I have never been a good nap taker. The other day I did get some snuggle time while she slept, and made sure to steal some kisses. We spent time cheering for the Texans this weekend and took a selfie. I know Logan is a little young for it but we decided to start a … [Read more...]
Photo Story Friday-The Reading Edition
This week I decided to read up on all the paperwork we have received from doctor appointments and from my HR department for FMLA stuff. I relaxed in bed, propped up my cankle and got to reading very carefully. Well, that was my intent at least. Leroy and Madelyn just couldn't resist preventing helping me with the reading. After I took these … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday
Where's Madelyn? All of a sudden she likes hanging out under the bed again, which is fine, until she makes all kinds of noise in the middle of the night and you have to remind yourself it's just her and not some Pet Cemetery character. And just for fun, a selfie at 39 weeks: … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday
Snuggling and cuddling has been in full force in our house the past few days. Madelyn rarely gets on the bed, but when it's freshly made she acts like it's her own. zoE's favorite place lately is snuggled in between me and the Hubs pillows. Cuteness just radiates in these pictures: … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday
Madelyn Madelyn Grace Gracer Plucky gave the Click Connect stroller a whirl over the weekend. Gotta love that our fur babies are so eager to test baby items. … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday
Madelyn's favorite part of the dog park, the mud: … [Read more...]
Mommy & Me-Take 19
This week was all about the Hubs. Sunday was not only Father's Day, but also his 33rd birthday, our 3 year proposal anniversary and our 23 month wedding anniversary. The beginning of the week started off with some snuggles from Madelyn. Normally, the dogs don't get in the bed, but since we shaved her and gave her a bath she got an exception. I … [Read more...]
Mommy & Me-Take 15
The lovely Texas Summer heat and humidity are finally here. I want to say by now (I've lived here since I was 9 months old) I am used to it, but it's just not something you can really get used to. You get used to feeling sticky and never really having a good hair day, but the heat combined with the humidity and bright, shining sun are just plain … [Read more...]